The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University is one of the leading Statistics departments in the country. Because of its global reputation, our faculty and students are consistently awarded honors, grants, and invited to present their research at international conferences. We endeavor to attract the best students from diverse backgrounds and provide them with exceptional classroom, computing infrastructure and real-world opportunities in order to develop their skills and connect them with rewarding, impactful careers.


Texas A&M statistician Dr. Raymond Carroll writes equations with a black marker on a sheet of Plexiglass while two students look on.

Make a Data-Driven Difference

The Department of Statistics is renowned for first-rate teaching as well as the quality and scope of its research, which features strong collaborations across departments and with other institutions. Our graduates are in high demand in multidisciplinary areas that vary as widely as your potential career interests, including government, healthcare, business, physical sciences, and environmental studies.

Degrees Offered

Undergraduate Degrees

Statistics is the science of collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of making decisions in the presence of uncertainty. Data are ubiquitous in the modern day and age, and statisticians are in high demand. Multidisciplinary application areas vary widely and include health and medicine, business, physical sciences, environmental studies and government. The curriculum in statistics provides instruction in all necessary areas, including a mathematical and probabilistic foundation, strategies for designing studies and collecting data, the visualization and analysis of data using popular software like SAS and R, and the process of using sample data to draw conclusions about a population. Depending on the electives selected, a student completing this program will be prepared to enter employment as a statistical analyst or continue to graduate school in statistics or a related field.

Graduate Degrees

The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M is one of the leading statistics departments in the country. Because of its global reputation, our faculty and students are consistently awarded honors and grants and invited to present their research at international conferences.

According to U.S. News & World Report rankings, our graduate degree is currently listed as the 6th best public university in the nation for Statistics. Based on the quality of our program, Statistics at Texas A&M is rated higher than over half of the Ivy League universities, including Yale and Columbia.

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Graphic featuring an aerial image of the east entrance to the Texas A&M University campus with a maroon overlay and the words "The Texas A&M University System" in white

Dr. Ping Chang and Dr. Bani Mallick are among 18 Texas A&M System faculty members honored with the 2023-2024 Regents Professor Award recognizing exemplary contributions to the A&M System and people of Texas.

Texas A&M University Academic Building dome, viewed from the ground floor rotunda

As a Fulbright lecturer in Japan, Dr. Evan Haefeli is spending the fall and spring semesters teaching undergraduate and graduate American history courses at three different universities in Tokyo. He joins Statistics' Dr. Derya Akleman and Geography's Dr. Kathleen O'Reilly, who were appointed most recently as 2023-24 Fulbright Scholars in Turkey and India, respectively.

Houston-based statistician and Texas A&M University Department of Statistics donor Dr. John Zorich

Prominent Houston statistician John Zorich is creating a visionary legacy for future industrial statisticians through an endowment to support an annual workshop on reliability and provisions in his will benefiting the Statistical Consulting Center and biomedical engineering statistics.